Cocaine Detox

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Discover the steps and support available for cocaine detox at Bodhi Addiction & Wellness, ensuring a safe start to recovery.

Cocaine remains a popular recreational drug in the U.S., even as cocaine overdose deaths steadily increase. For those who have made the decision to stop using cocaine, the recovery journey starts with cocaine detox and withdrawal.

Cocaine Statistics

Cocaine use in the U.S. continues to rise, as do the overdose deaths related to cocaine. In the year 2000 there were 3,544 cocaine overdose deaths, but by 2016 that number had nearly tripled to 10,000. In 2021, the number of cocaine deaths ballooned to 24,486. Sadly, in 2023 21.2% of all drug overdoses involved cocaine.

Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that provides many desirable effects initially. People who use cocaine experience euphoria, a burst of energy, mental alertness, and become very talkative. These initial effects are why cocaine is such a sought after party drug.

With continued use, however, the brain adapts to the constant presence of the drug in the system, which then causes severe boomerang effects when it wears off. The person becomes irritable, fatigued, depressed, and sleeps excessively. These withdrawal symptoms plus cocaine cravings prompt the person to take more cocaine, and the cycle continues.

There are some distinct signs and symptoms that indicate a cocaine addiction has formed. These include:

  • Try to cut back or quit cocaine but cannot.
  • Use more cocaine for a longer period than intended.
  • Hyper-focused on cocaine, spending time and money to obtain it.
  • Keep using cocaine despite the negative consequences
  • Increased tolerance to its effects, needing more to obtain the desired high.
  • Risk-taking or impulsive behaviors.
  • Giving up usual activities and hobbies, withdrawing from friends and family.
  • Paranoid behavior.
  • Irritability, agitation, mood swings.
  • Weight loss.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Relationship problems caused by cocaine use.
  • Withdrawal symptoms when the cocaine wears off.

When It’s Time for Cocaine Detox

Cocaine can cause damage to the nasal tissues, harm relationships, derail careers, ruin finances, and increase the risk of overdose. It is time to quit cocaine when you recognize the signs of addiction and all the damage it has done.

It is never a good idea to try to quit cocaine on your own without medical support. This is especially true if you have engaged in chronic cocaine use for an extended period of time. An expert detox team with medical training can help you manage the cocaine detox and withdrawal symptoms.

The primary benefit from having support while going through cocaine withdrawal is avoiding relapse. Withdrawal is difficult to manage on your own, and the cocaine cravings may overwhelm you, causing you to give up. With the help of a medical detox team you can withstand the cocaine detox and make it into treatment.

Cocaine Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms

The cocaine withdrawal symptoms will range from mild to severe based on how your cocaine addiction history. Also, if there are other substances involved or if you have a mental health issue it could complicate the detox.

During the cocaine detox you will experience a variety of withdrawal symptoms. The detox professionals provide the medical and psychological support needed to help you persevere and complete the detox.

Cocaine withdrawal symptoms may include:

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  • Exhaustion
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Intense cocaine cravings
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Shaking
  • Sleep disruption
  • Paranoid thoughts
  • Agitation
  • Suicidal thoughts

It takes about one to two weeks to detox from cocaine. Once the detox is completed, it is time to enter rehab, and it is there that you’ll change your life.

Getting Help for a Cocaine Addiction

Rehabilitation involves a multi-modal system of therapies and activities that will help you learn how to respond to cravings and triggers going forward. The therapies are mostly behavioral in scope, as these assist you in shaping your decisions in your new sober life.

This is a process that takes time and commitment to implement because you have to learn how to override the former addiction habits. Your rehab options depend largely on the severity of your cocaine addiction, and your resources, such as insurance coverage.

Outpatient rehab is a viable option for a milder or emerging cocaine addiction, and is available in two levels of care. The intensive outpatient program provides about nine hours of therapy and support per week. The partial hospitalization program is the highest level of outpatient addiction treatment and provides 25-35 hours of programming weekly.

Residential rehab is a more intensive treatment program for individuals with a moderate to severe cocaine addiction. Residential treatment is also advised for those who also have a mental health disorder, or a polysubstance use disorder. These programs provide round the clock support and a secure, structured treatment setting.

How Detox and Treatment Help You Overcome Cocaine Addiction

Regardless of whether you have chosen to receive treatment in an outpatient or residential setting, you must first complete detox. After the cocaine has left your system and you are stabilized, your body and mind will be ready for treatment.

Both outpatient and residential rehabs share common treatment elements. These include:

  • Psychotherapy. Individual talk therapy sessions are central to successful addiction treatment. Through therapies like CBT, Contingency Management, or DBT, these sessions can help you make changes in your thought patterns and behaviors.A
  • Group therapy. Peer group sessions provide a chance to discuss your personal experiences and recovery topics with others.
  • Family therapy. Since cocaine addiction impacts the whole family, the family sessions provide guidance and healing for all members.
  • 12-step program. N.A. or A.A. themes are integrated into the rehab program.
  • Classes. You’ll learn new coping skills that are essential for supporting recovery and to help prevent relapse.
  • Holistic. Holistic methods are included because they can help you better manage stress or anxiety. These include activities like yoga classes, art therapy, mindfulness, and massage.

Completing the cocaine detox is the first step of your journey toward wellness. Reach out for support today!

Bodhi Addiction & Wellness Guides the Cocaine Detox Process

Bodhi Addiction & Wellness can direct you to the resources you need for a cocaine addiction, including interventions, cocaine detox, outpatient or residential treatment. If you are concerned about the signs of cocaine addiction in yourself or someone you care about, we can help. Please reach out to our team today for cocaine-specific guidance at (877) 328-1968.