What is a Meth Crash?
Table of Contents
Come Down From Meth
The “meth crash” or comedown happens when someone under the influence of meth goes into withdrawals. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of meth.
Methamphetamine is an illicit substance that causes the functions of the central nervous system to speed up. People use this drug recreationally for its stimulant effects, but too often have no regard for the comedown or meth crash. As the drug wears off, the crash ensues. This involves both physical and psychological adverse effects, as the body attempts to stabilize.
About Meth
Meth is a drug made of amphetamine plus a variety of flammable household ingredients. These products are added to create the desired altered state of reality. Meth is also referred to as crystal meth, speed, crystal, ice, and crank. The drug is taken in various ways, such as being injected, smoked, snorted, or taken in pill form.
It is a potent stimulant that can cause profound damage to the brain. Even after a single use, the brain becomes flooded with dopamine, which affects the reward pathways. With ongoing use, the brain begins to depend on the drug to provide the dopamine rush.
Effects of Meth
The early side effects of meth include increased energy, extreme euphoria, alertness, and a sense of wellbeing. It also causes side effects, including:
- Hyperactivity, mania.
- Tremors
- Shortness of breath.
- Vomiting
- Decreased appetite and weight loss.
- Diarrhea
- Insomnia
- Meth Eyes
The drug’s effects come on quickly and fade fairly fast, leading to continued abuse and eventually addiction.
Long-term health effects use can be quite severe. Long-term effects might include:
- Permanent brain damage.
- Severe tooth decay.
- Psychosis
- Skin infections.
- Cognitive decline.
- Increased risk for HIV or hepatitis.
Signs of Meth Addiction
Meth addiction can come on fast and be devastating to a person, affecting all areas of life. Here are the signs of addiction:
- Skin sores. Obsessive itching is caused by the mistaken belief that there are bugs crawling on or under the skin.
- Severe tooth decay. Tooth decay is known as “meth mouth” is caused by excessive dry mouth and neglect of dental hygiene. Jaw clenching, a common sign of meth use, can also harm the teeth.
- Droopy skin. The skin appears loose or droopy. There may also be facial sores and an odor on the skin.
- Loss of appetite. As a stimulant, it causes a decrease in appetite and weight loss.
- Paranoia. Long-term use can lead to psychosis, including paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions.
- High-risk behaviors. Risky or daring behaviors are common among meth addicts.
- Hyperactivity. Rapid speech, hyper behaviors, nervousness, euphoria, increased sex drive, rapid eye movements, and jerky motions.
- Insomnia. Meth addicts can go days without needing sleep. As a result, they appear gaunt and irritable.
- Mood swings. While under the influence of meth, a person may be in a manic mood state. When they experience the meth crash, though, they may become depressed.
- DUI. The individual may be arrested for driving under the influence of meth.
- Loss of child custody rights. Child neglect, abuse, or being unable to fulfill parenting obligations may lead to loss of parental rights.
- Arrest. The person may be charged with crimes like a violent assault, domestic violence, or theft.
What is the Meth Crash?
When someone becomes dependent or addicted to meth, their brain needs the substance to avoid feeling sick. When the drug is not available or is withheld, the person will go through a comedown or “meth crash.” This is also what is experienced when someone goes into detox and cycles through meth withdrawal symptoms.
3 Stages of Meth Comedown
The stages of a meth crash begin about 12-24 hours after the last dose of meth. The process involves these three stages:
Stage One. The first stage involves intense fatigue and lethargy, mood swings, and disruptions in eating and sleeping habits. This stage lasts about a day.
Stage Two. The second stage of the meth crash occurs on days two and three. This is the stage when the person feels the peak symptoms. They include agitation, being unable to feel pleasure, irritability, and unpredictable behaviors that often include acting out violently.
Stage Three. The final phase of the meth withdrawal can last about two weeks, depending on how severe the meth addiction was. Symptoms include cognitive issues, depression, cravings, anxiety, and sleep problems. During this phase the symptoms will gradually begin to subside.
During detox, a team of trained detox experts will monitor vital signs and provide measures to help minimize the withdrawals. During withdrawal, psych support is key to completing the detox process. This is because the symptoms of anxiety, paranoia, and depression can become very intense.
Treatment for Meth Addiction
After detox, the person will enter the rehab program. During rehab, they will reside at the treatment center for at least a month, but usually longer. The longer the stay, the better the chances are of success, as it takes time for the brain to recover.
Rehab provides the support needed to reclaim some control over thoughts and behaviors. This is a process based on CBT and other evidence-based therapies and just takes practice.
In treatment for meth addiction, these are the activities you will engage in:
- One-on-one talk therapy.
- Group therapy.
- Family therapy.
- 12-step program.
- Education
- Life skills.
- Relapse prevention planning.
- Restoring health through nutrition and exercise.
- Holistic treatment methods.
Once the rehab program is completed, aftercare actions help reinforce abstinence from meth. These include sober living, alumni meetings, outpatient therapy, and N.A. or A.A. meetings. A strong support network is a must in recovery.
If you have had one too many meth crash events, you may be ready to turn your life around. Reach out for treatment today.
Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness Offers a Holistic Approach to Recovery
Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness is a comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment program with a holistic focus. If you are struggling with a meth problem and are ready to get healthy, reach out to the team today at (877) 328-1968.