Holistic Therapy and Wellness
Bodhi Addiction services offer the individual a new beginning, and that beginning starts with holistic therapy health, and wellness. Since people generally use substances to simply change the way they feel, we offer several services that help the person feel better naturally. When you feel good, you are less likely to want to change how you feel through substance abuse. We believe Health and Wellness encompass all areas of one’s life, including:
- Energy level
- Outlook
- Physical well-being
- Spiritual well-being
To be well is to be happy. This is one of the core components you will see throughout our approach. Many times people simply stop using drugs or alcohol but, sadly fall back into it when being clean and sober just isn’t that enjoyable. To help avoid that and to empower the individual to make real changes, we will personally advise and guide the individual on their path and what works for them. If an individual accomplishes overall wellness, then they simply feel better, and life becomes more enjoyable.
By taking the time to explore what makes one truly happy and helping them fill their life with positive activities, we build a foundation for success together.
Holistic Health and Wellness Programs
To achieve wellness of the mind, body, and spirit, we utilize several avenues. These include proper nutrition, body cleansing or detoxification, exercise, Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and hobby exploration such as:
- hiking
- kayaking
- surfing
- going to the gym
- art etc.
- just to name a few
Alcohol and drug addiction destroys wellness, therefore restoring the health of mind, body, and spirit is essential in recovery.
Please give us a call at (877) 328-1968 to see how it could benefit you or your loved one.
You can also fill out the form at the top of the page to schedule a Free Consultation.
Or come visit us in beautiful Capitola, CA, we would love to see you.
(877) 328-1968
603 Capitola Ave.
Capitola, CA 95010
Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services
CCAPP – #CACS217214
medical license #G37540