Entries by Bodhi Addiction


Treatment for High Functioning Depression

Not everyone with depression shows it on the outside. Some people experience a form of “high functioning” depression, which is more internal than external, more hidden than visible. Thankfully, there is effective treatment for high functioning depression. What is High Functioning Depression? Most of us are aware of what depression looks and feels like, at […]

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Cocaine Detox

Cocaine remains a popular recreational drug in the U.S., even as cocaine overdose deaths steadily increase. For those who have made the decision to stop using cocaine, the recovery journey starts with cocaine detox and withdrawal. Cocaine Statistics Cocaine use in the U.S. continues to rise, as do the overdose deaths related to cocaine. In […]


Adderall Withdrawal

Adderall Withdrawal and Addiction Treatment In recent years, Adderall has become one of the most widely abused prescription drugs. With its powerful stimulant effects, Adderall has found favor with students and young professionals. Adderall provides a swift boost in energy and mental alertness, and reduces the need for sleep. In this article we explore this […]


Cocaine Withdrawal

Cocaine Withdrawal & Long Term Recovery If you have developed a problem with cocaine, you may be reeling from its many adverse effects. Cocaine is very detrimental to every aspect of a person’s life. If you desire to quit cocaine, however, you will find that it isn’t as easy as just stopping the drug. Cocaine […]

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Can You Overdose on Cocaine

Most people think of cocaine as a fun party drug for enhancing a social experience. But can you overdose on cocaine? Read on. Cocaine has always been an illicit drug with a high-risk profile. Over the years, many famous people have lost their lives due to a cocaine overdose. Today, though, the risks of a […]

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Why Do People Binge Drink Alone?

Binge drinking is often linked with college parties and socializing in general. So, what does it mean when someone engages in binge drinking alone? Most of us have either participated or witnessed binge drinking in real time. Drinking games or heavy partying can cause someone to consume dangerous amounts of alcohol in a short time. […]

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Warning Signs of Cocaine Relapse

If you are in recovery from cocaine addiction, it is important to know the warning signs of cocaine relapse. Understanding Cocaine People mistakenly think that because cocaine is a natural plant-based substance that it is not harmful in the way that synthetic drugs are. This is wholly untrue. Although cocaine is derived from the coca […]

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What is a Meth Crash?

Come Down From Meth The “meth crash” or comedown happens when someone under the influence of meth goes into withdrawals. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of meth. Methamphetamine is an illicit substance that causes the functions of the central nervous system to speed up. People use this drug recreationally for its stimulant […]

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Is Mixing Adderall and Cocaine Dangerous

Combining any substances can pose the risk of overdose, including mixing Adderall and cocaine. Read on to learn more about stimulant abuse and addiction. Both Adderall and cocaine have long been used recreationally for their stimulant effects. Adderall is a type of amphetamine, and cocaine is a stimulant derived from the coca plant in South […]

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How Long Do the Effect of Cocaine Last

How Long Does Effects of Cocaine Last Cocaine is still used as a party drug for the most part. Continuing to use cocaine or any other drugs will eventually ruin your life with work, social, and legal consequences. So, you may be wondering, how long do the effects of cocaine last? Read on to learn […]