
Dope Sick Withdrawal

Dope Sick Withdrawal Symptoms

What Does it Mean to Be Dope Sick? Learn about the flu-like “dope sick” symptoms of opiate withdrawal When you hear the term “dope sick” it refers to symptoms of illness that come after the effects of opiates wear off. In fact, feeling…
Rehab Northern California

Rehab Northern California for Holistic Treatment

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Holistic Rehab Northern California Holistic addiction treatment rehabs treat the whole person, not just the disease. A recent trend toward a more holistic approach to treatment is now front and center in some rehab Northern California programs.…
impulse control

Impulse Control and Alcohol Abuse

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Impulse Control and Addiction Disorder Impulse control problems are common among people who abuse alcohol. When someone struggles with impulse control, they are unable to resist engaging in behaviors that cause them, or others, harm. Impulse…
spouse of an addict

How a Spouse is Affected By a Partner’s Addiction

How To Deal With an Addicted Spouse Marriage can suffer greatly when one partner is struggling with addiction. The spouse of an addict is deeply affected by the other’s substance use, to the point that real damage can be done. Substance abuse…
coping mechanisms

8 Helpful Coping Mechanisms to Use in Addiction Recovery

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Learn Addiction Coping Mechanisms Tips on How to Protect Your Recovery The road to wellness after dealing with a substance use problem should be viewed through a long-range lens. It simply takes time to make such profound changes in your habits…
holistic health and wellness

The Benefits of Holistic Health and Wellness Practices on Alcoholism and Addiction Recovery

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The Benefits of Holistic Health and Wellness Practices on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Recovery By Adam Douglas Heyes, M.A. Edited by Jonathan Beazley, CADC-CAS, RAS II Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness What Is Holistic Health and…