meth crash

Come Down From Meth

The “meth crash” or comedown happens when someone under the influence of meth goes into withdrawals. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of meth.

Methamphetamine is an illicit substance that causes the functions of the central nervous system to speed up. People use this drug recreationally for its stimulant effects, but too often have no regard for the comedown or meth crash. As the drug wears off, the crash ensues. This involves both physical and psychological adverse effects, as the body attempts to stabilize.

About Meth

Meth is a drug made of amphetamine plus a variety of flammable household ingredients. These products are added to create the desired altered state of reality. Meth is also referred to as crystal meth, speed, crystal, ice, and crank. The drug is taken in various ways, such as being injected, smoked, snorted, or taken in pill form.

It is a potent stimulant that can cause profound damage to the brain. Even after a single use, the brain becomes flooded with dopamine, which affects the reward pathways. With ongoing use, the brain begins to depend on the drug to provide the dopamine rush.

Effects of Meth

The early side effects of meth include increased energy, extreme euphoria, alertness, and a sense of wellbeing. It also causes side effects, including:

  • Hyperactivity, mania.
  • Tremors
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Vomiting
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss.
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Meth Eyes

The drug’s effects come on quickly and fade fairly fast, leading to continued abuse and eventually addiction.

Long-term health effects  use can be quite severe. Long-term effects might include:

  • Permanent brain damage.
  • Severe tooth decay.
  • Psychosis
  • Skin infections.
  • Cognitive decline.
  • Increased risk for HIV or hepatitis.

Signs of Meth Addiction

Meth addiction can come on fast and be devastating to a person, affecting all areas of life. Here are the signs of addiction:

  • Skin sores. Obsessive itching is caused by the mistaken belief that there are bugs crawling on or under the skin.
  • Severe tooth decay. Tooth decay is known as “meth mouth” is caused by excessive dry mouth and neglect of dental hygiene. Jaw clenching, a common sign of meth use, can also harm the teeth.
  • Droopy skin. The skin appears loose or droopy. There may also be facial sores and an odor on the skin.
  • Loss of appetite. As a stimulant, it causes a decrease in appetite and weight loss.
  • Paranoia. Long-term use can lead to psychosis, including paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions.
  • High-risk behaviors. Risky or daring behaviors are common among meth addicts.
  • Hyperactivity. Rapid speech, hyper behaviors, nervousness, euphoria, increased sex drive, rapid eye movements, and jerky motions.
  • Insomnia. Meth addicts can go days without needing sleep. As a result, they appear gaunt and irritable.
  • Mood swings. While under the influence of meth, a person may be in a manic mood state. When they experience the meth crash, though, they may become depressed.
  • DUI. The individual may be arrested for driving under the influence of meth.
  • Loss of child custody rights. Child neglect, abuse, or being unable to fulfill parenting obligations may lead to loss of parental rights.
  • Arrest. The person may be charged with crimes like a violent assault, domestic violence, or theft.

What is the Meth Crash?

When someone becomes dependent or addicted to meth, their brain needs the substance to avoid feeling sick. When the drug is not available or is withheld, the person will go through a comedown or “meth crash.” This is also what is experienced when someone goes into detox and cycles through meth withdrawal symptoms.

3 Stages of Meth Comedown

The stages of a meth crash begin about 12-24 hours after the last dose of meth. The process involves these three stages:

Stage One. The first stage involves intense fatigue and lethargy, mood swings, and disruptions in eating and sleeping habits. This stage lasts about a day.

Stage Two. The second stage of the meth crash occurs on days two and three. This is the stage when the person feels the peak symptoms. They include agitation, being unable to feel pleasure, irritability, and unpredictable behaviors that often include acting out violently.

Stage Three. The final phase of the meth withdrawal can last about two weeks, depending on how severe the meth addiction was. Symptoms include cognitive issues, depression, cravings, anxiety, and sleep problems. During this phase the symptoms will gradually begin to subside.

During detox, a team of trained detox experts will monitor vital signs and provide measures to help minimize the withdrawals. During withdrawal, psych support is key to completing the detox process. This is because the symptoms of anxiety, paranoia, and depression can become very intense.

Treatment for Meth Addiction

After detox, the person will enter the rehab program. During rehab, they will reside at the treatment center for at least a month, but usually longer. The longer the stay, the better the chances are of success, as it takes time for the brain to recover.

Rehab provides the support needed to reclaim some control over thoughts and behaviors. This is a process based on CBT and other evidence-based therapies and just takes practice.

In treatment for meth addiction, these are the activities you will engage in:

  • One-on-one talk therapy.
  • Group therapy.
  • Family therapy.
  • 12-step program.
  • Education
  • Life skills.
  • Relapse prevention planning.
  • Restoring health through nutrition and exercise.
  • Holistic treatment methods.

Once the rehab program is completed, aftercare actions help reinforce abstinence from meth. These include sober living, alumni meetings, outpatient therapy, and N.A. or A.A. meetings. A strong support network is a must in recovery.

If you have had one too many meth crash events, you may be ready to turn your life around. Reach out for treatment today.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness Offers a Holistic Approach to Recovery

Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness is a comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment program with a holistic focus. If you are struggling with a meth problem and are ready to get healthy, reach out to the team today at (877) 328-1968.

adderall and cocaine

Combining any substances can pose the risk of overdose, including mixing Adderall and cocaine. Read on to learn more about stimulant abuse and addiction.

Both Adderall and cocaine have long been used recreationally for their stimulant effects. Adderall is a type of amphetamine, and cocaine is a stimulant derived from the coca plant in South America.

When someone attempts to enhance the stimulant effects of one of these drugs by mixing the Adderall and cocaine it may become toxic to the body and cause potentially fatal outcomes. Either of these drugs is risky to consume, but combining them is very dangerous.

What is Adderall?

Adderall contains amphetamine/dextroamphetamine and shares many of the same traits as illicit stimulants, such as meth and cocaine. Adderall speeds up the body’s systems, such as heart rate and breathing. While Adderall is intended for the treatment of ADHD or narcolepsy, the drug is often used for non-medical reasons. However, when people abuse Adderall to gain a boost in energy and mood or to lose weight, it is risky.

After experiencing the positive effects early on, the person seeks to repeat that high over and over again. Tolerance to the Adderall begins to ramp up, so they may take more frequent doses. In just weeks an addiction can develop.

Signs of Adderall addiction include:

  • Being overly talkative.
  • Weight loss.
  • Increased tolerance.
  • Chronic insomnia or excessive sleeping.
  • Aggressive behavior.
  • Irritability
  • Angry outbursts.
  • Foggy thinking.
  • Mood swings.
  • Frequent headaches
  • Jittery

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a white, powdered substance that is derived from the coca plant. Like Adderall, it acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system, meaning it speeds up nerve activity. This is why cocaine is popular, for these effects. Cocaine causes the person to feel a boost of energy, to need less sleep, and experience a sense of euphoria.

Cocaine is usually snorted through the nose, where it then crosses into the bloodstream. The brain’s reward system records the effects as a pleasurable experience. This begins the process of addiction, as the brain signals the person to repeat the experience.

There are other methods for using cocaine. Some may smoke the cocaine, a type of cocaine referred to as crack cocaine. Another mode of delivery is by injecting a liquid form of cocaine with a syringe. These methods, smoking it or injecting it, can cause even more intense effects.

Even though the first few cocaine experiences may be quite pleasurable, the long-term effects are very serious. Long-term effects might include:

  • Heart attack.
  • An enlarged heart.
  • Severe damage to nasal tissue and cartilage.
  • Vascular damage.
  • Kidney damage.
  • Increased risk of stroke.
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Psychosis
  • Financial problems.

What Happens When You Mix Adderall and Cocaine?

Mixing Adderall and cocaine, both potent stimulants, can result in a dangerous increase in heart rate. Both these drugs increase the speed at which major organs function, so it would impact breathing rate and blood pressure as well. The liver is only able to break down a certain amount of the drugs, which leads to toxicity. This could lead to a heart attack, seizure, or stroke. It could also result in an overdose event.

Can You Overdose from Mixing Adderall and Cocaine?

As abuse continues, including snorting high doses of the drugs, the risk of Adderall overdose rises.

Overdose symptoms of Adderall and cocaine might include:

  • Psychosis
  • Panic attacks.
  • Paranoia
  • High fever.
  • Extreme dehydration.
  • Intense headache.
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Break down of muscles.
  • Tremors
  • Vertigo
  • Cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Delirium
  • Hyperventilation
  • Severe tremors.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

There is also a heightened risk in recent years for cocaine or Adderall to contain fentanyl. This is unknown to the user and could prove deadly.

An overdose that involves Adderall and cocaine is treated by removing as much of the drugs from the system as possible. Activated charcoal can help absorb excess Adderall in the gut, and sometimes the emergency measures will include stomach pumping or gastric lavage. IV fluids may be administered to replenish nutrients and correct dehydration.

How to Break the Grip of Stimulant Addiction

Adderall and cocaine are very potent and addictive drugs. You or a loved one may have become dependent or addicted to either or both of these drugs. If so, it will require expert treatment to overcome compulsive drug use.

When you seek treatment for the stimulant problem, be sure the program creates tailored treatment plans for poly-substance addiction. After you complete the intake interview and assessment, a custom treatment plan is created that includes these elements:

  • Detox. Recovery from stimulants begins with a medical detox and withdrawal process. The detox team pays close attention to the withdrawal symptoms as they emerge, and offers treatments to reduce discomfort.
  • Psychotherapy. Talk therapy sessions are at the center of addiction treatment. Using therapies like CBT or DBT, a therapist can help you make the needed changes in behaviors.
  • Group therapy. Group sessions provide a chance to discuss recovery topics with peers in recovery.
  • Family therapy. Because addiction impacts the whole family, these sessions can provide guidance and healing for all family members.
  • 12-step program. The 12-step program is often included in the rehab program and provides a roadmap for the recovery journey.
  • Holistic elements. Holistic methods are techniques that help induce a calm mental state and also reduce stress. These are very helpful both during rehab and throughout recovery. They include yoga, practicing mindfulness, massage, and journaling.
  • Education. It helps to have some knowledge about how drugs affect the brain and lead to addiction. Also, you will learn new coping skills and form a relapse prevention plan as part of the education piece.

Mixing Adderall and cocaine can be very dangerous. If you are in need of help for stimulant addiction, reach out for help today.

Can You Overdose on Adderall?

Yes, it is possible to overdose on Adderall. The medication contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, when taking a higher dose than prescribed and the medication is misused or combined with cocaine substance. It can cause a range of symptoms such as agitation, rapid breathing, confusion and even severe anxiety, hallucinations and panic attacks.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness Provides Treatment for Stimulant Addiction

Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness offers comprehensive addiction treatment for cocaine and/or Adderall use disorder. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine or stimulant abuse, please reach out today at (877) 328-1968.

how long does the effect of cocaine last

How Long Does Effects of Cocaine Last

Cocaine is still used as a party drug for the most part. Continuing to use cocaine or any other drugs will eventually ruin your life with work, social, and legal consequences. So, you may be wondering, how long do the effects of cocaine last? Read on to learn the facts about cocaine and how long the high will last while under its influence. The dependency of any substance will eventually ruin opportunities and your life. Reach out to our treatment team for a confidential assessment (877) 328-1968

Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine (“coke”) is made from the coca plant that is grown in certain areas of South America. It is a potent stimulant drug that ramps up the central nervous system. By speeding up the heart rate and breathing rate, it causes the person to become hyperactive.

Cocaine can be used in many ways. The most common way of ingesting cocaine is to snort it, but it can also be smoked, injected, or rubbed on the gums. The drug will produce effects fastest when injected or smoked, being felt within seconds.

How Long Do the Effects of Cocaine Last?

The cocaine high is quite short-lived. In most cases, the person will feel the effects of cocaine for just 15-30 minutes, to an hour at the very longest. This short-lived high will often cause the person to chase the high by taking dose after dose. In this way, they can attempt to prolong the desired experience.

Just as the method of using the coke affects how fast its effects are felt, this also affects how quickly they fade. When someone injects or smokes cocaine the effects will wane in 5-15 minutes.

The comedown phase may involve unpleasant effects, such as headaches and irritability. These side effects may last for a few days as the cocaine clears the system.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in the System?

There are some factors that influence how long cocaine will remain in the system. The most obvious factor is the amount of cocaine ingested. The more of the drug that ends up in the bloodstream, the longer it will be detectible. Someone who tried cocaine one random time will have detectible amounts of the drug in the urine for up to three days. Someone who is a chronic cocaine addict will have the drug present or up to 14 days.

Other factors that affect how long cocaine is in the body include the method of use and cocaine purity. Also, each person’s body chemistry can affect this timeline, and whether the person used other substances, too.

how long does a cocaine high last

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction sets in when the drug is used repeatedly. Cocaine affects the brain’s reward system and imprints the experience as something positive to repeat again. The more often cocaine is used the sooner the body acquires tolerance to its affects. This is the trek to addiction.

Common symptoms of cocaine addiction include:

  • Manic mood.
  • Weight loss.
  • Sleeping less.
  • Nosebleeds
  • Hyperactivity
  • Muscle tics.
  • Agitation
  • Engaging in risky behaviors.

Cocaine is very hard on the body. Long-term use of cocaine can result in serious health problems, such as:

  • Kidney damage.
  • Increased risk of stroke.
  • Enlarged heart.
  • Cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Heart attack.
  • Lung damage.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Increased risk of dementia.
  • Psychosis
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

Other Dangers of Cocaine Abuse and Addiction

One well-known adverse effect caused by cocaine addiction is the damage it causes to nasal tissues and cartilage. This can become so severe that the nose must be surgically reconstructed.

Financial ruin is yet another result of cocaine addiction. The drug is pricey, which causes people to go into deep debt to prolong the use of this drug.

Finally, cocaine addiction increases the risk of an overdose. In recent years, cocaine is often cut with fentanyl. The person buying the drug is not aware of this and will overdose, often with a fatal outcome. However, there are some who seek out this combination of drugs to do something termed speedballing. Speedballing, too, can be lethal.

What to Expect During Cocaine Withdrawal?

The path to recovery begins with cocaine detox and withdrawal. This is the process that involves abstaining from the drug and then allowing the body to slowly adjust to its absence.

During the detox process, there will be discomfort. For this reason, it is advised that any attempt to stop using cocaine be done under the care of a doctor or detox team. This allows the provider to provide medical support to reduce the withdrawal effects.

Cocaine withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Chills
  • Restlessness
  • Increased appetite.
  • Nightmares
  • Agitation
  • Sleep problems.
  • Headaches
  • Exhaustion
  • Slowed thinking.
  • Muscle aches.
  • Cravings
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoid thoughts.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

Succeed in Cocaine Addiction Recovery

A residential drug rehab program is needed in order to be able to overcome the strong cravings of a cocaine habit. The treatment program teaches the client how to respond differently to cravings and triggers. Only with these new coping techniques, and the support of the rehab team, can someone beat a coke habit.

After detox, it is time to enroll in a comprehensive program. Rehabs are highly structured and offer many classes, therapy sessions, and activities throughout the day. The more engaged someone is in the treatment process, the better they will do over the long term.

Treatment for a cocaine addiction involves the following:

  • Therapy. One-on-one and group therapy are the basis of addiction treatment. The clinical team uses evidence-based therapies to achieve the best outcomes.
  • Contingency Management. CM uses a reward system to shape your behavior choices while you are learning to live without cocaine.
  • CBT. CBT teaches better ways to respond to cocaine cravings or other triggers. With the guidance of a CBT therapist, you can address the dysfunctional thought patterns that fueled the cocaine use.
  • Holistic methods. Holistic health involves the mind, body, and spirit. In treatment, you will be counseled to improve wellness by eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, and managing stress.
  • 12-step program. AA’s 12-step program provides a step-by-step roadmap for recovery.
  • Classes. You will be better prepared to prevent relapse by using the new coping skills learned in rehab.

Now that you know how long does the effect of cocaine last, it is clear why some people may repeat their dose multiple times. Cocaine abuse swiftly leads to addiction, which can have a terrible impact on someone’s life. Reach out for help today.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness Provides Treatment for Cocaine Abuse and Addiction

Bodhi Addiction Treatment and Wellness is a holistic themed addiction treatment center that treats people with cocaine addiction. Reach out to our intake team with any questions about our program at (877) 328-1968

heroin arm

One of the most obvious signs of heroin abuse is the appearance of track marks and scabs on the arms of the user. These marks on the arm can be evidence of prior injections, or they could be signs of infected skin or abscesses. “Heroin arm” is the term used to describe the sores that result from heroin addiction.

Learn About Heroin

Heroin is derived from morphine, which comes from opium, a substance found in the seedpod of the poppy flower in Southeast Asia. Heroin use causes a powerful reaction in the brain’s chemistry, attaching to opioid receptors in the pain and pleasure centers. This causes a deep sense of relaxation and intense euphoria.

Heroin in pure form is white, but on the street is usually a brown or off-white powder. It can also be found in the form of a black sticky substance called black tar. Heroin is commonly cut with other substances or drugs, making it either diluted, as when cut with sugar or caffeine powder, or extremely deadly, as when cut with fentanyl.

Heroin is ingested into the body in several ways. This includes being snorted, smoked, or injected. In the U.S., heroin is an illegal narcotic, a Schedule I controlled substance. This designation means that the drug has no medical value, and is highly addictive and prone to abuse.

Heroin addiction can take hold quickly. It quickly hijacks the brain’s reward system, causing intense cravings. In time, the user becomes very sick when the effects of the drug wear off, prompting a repeat of the cycle.

In recent years, the heroin supply has been infused with the deadly opioid, fentanyl. The presence of fentanyl is what has led to a spike in overdose deaths.

What is Heroin Arm?

Because the usual mode of heroin use is via injection, the sores that appear on the arms are telltale signs. These “track marks” are found scattered along the veins that are found on the arm. The needles used cause punctures, which result in small scabs and bruises.

If the needles are tainted with bacteria they can cause an infection on the skin and cause abscesses and blisters.

Infections associated with heroin injection include:

  • Staph infection.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • HIV
  • Cellulitis
  • Endocarditis
  • Septic thrombophlebitis.
  • Flesh eating bacteria.
  • Botulism

Heroin-Related Staph Infections

Staph infections are the most common type of bacterial infections for heroin users and are caused by the staphylococcus bacteria. Lesions form on the skin, another sign of heroin arm.

When staph breaks through the skin it can enter the bloodstream and land in joints, bones, the lungs, or the heart. Staph can have serious results, such as blood poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, or sepsis.

Signs of a staph infection include:

  • Painful rash.
  • Skin redness.
  • Sores or ulcers.
  • Discharge of pus.
  • Fever
  • Confusion
  • Muscle aches.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain.

Treatment for Heroin Arms

Treating heroin arm will depend on the cause of the marks. The only way to get rid of the small scabs caused by needles is to stop using them. Creams and ointments, though, may relieve some discomfort. The biggest risk is that veins can become damaged and collapse.

If the heroin arm is caused by an infection, the person will need medical care. A doctor can lance a skin lesion to allow pus to drain. For most infections, antibiotics are prescribed.

Why is Heroin so Addictive?

Heroin causes a flood of dopamine to be released into the bloodstream. This is the chemical that informs us that we are experiencing pleasure. The brain records this in the reward system as a sensation that should be repeated. Thus, the brain prompts the person to seek the drug by eliciting cravings.

Over time, the brain cannot keep up with the demands of the drug and slowly allows the drug to take over. That early rush is no longer happening. The person then increases the dosing in an effort to recapture the early effects.

Between doses, intense withdrawal symptoms and cravings promote the addiction cycle. In order to avoid the highly unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, the user must feed the addiction with ongoing doses. Thus, the person has become both dependent on and addicted to heroin.

Breaking Free From Heroin

Those who wish to stop using heroin must commit to enrolling in a lengthy rehab program. A heroin habit is not easy to overcome, but it is fully possible with expert help.

These are the actions needed to break the grip of heroin:

  • Medical Detox. Heroin withdrawal symptoms appear about 6-12 hours after the last dose and then peak by the 2nd or 3rd day. Detox timeline:

Days 1: Flu-like symptoms, such as chills, muscle aches, nausea, sweating, and fatigue.

Days 2-3: These are the hardest days, as symptoms become more intense. In addition to the flu-like symptoms, there is agitation, excessive yawning, diarrhea, insomnia, shaking, restless leg movements, and cravings.

Days 4-6:  Symptoms slowly begin to subside.

Day 6 on:  Nausea, insomnia, depression, and anxiety may still be present for a few weeks.

  • Psychotherapy: Therapy involves a number of evidence-based approaches to effectively guide the person toward adopting new healthy thought patterns. Any related emotional issues are also addressed and worked through during therapy.
  • Group therapy: Small groups of peers discuss their points of view and experiences with each other. The counselor may have them participate in group activities, and will provide topics to discuss.
  • Recovery meetings. Recovery meetings offer a space for peers in recovery to learn from each other. These groups include 12-step programs like A.A. and N.A., as well as non 12-step programs like SMART Recovery and others.
  • Psychosocial education: Clients are taught about how addiction develops and how to recognize the risks associated with relapse. They are also coached to create their own relapse prevention plan.
  • Adjunctive: Methods such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, and other holistic practices can be beneficial in heroin recovery.

The sight of heroin arm, with its scabs, scar tissue, and bruises, is a wake-up call. If you have acquired a heroin addiction, there is help for you. Reach out today.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Offers a Comprehensive Heroin Recovery Program

Bodhi Addiction Treatment provides the most effective treatment for someone with heroin addiction. If you are experiencing a heroin arm and are ready to return to health, please call us today at (877) 328-1968.

signs of fentanyl poisoning

Fentanyl has become a tragic daily news item. Learn about this dangerous drug and the signs of fentanyl poisoning.

The rising tide of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. is now led by fentanyl. In most of these cases, the person had no knowledge that the substance they were taking had fentanyl in it. This deadly drug is being manufactured in illicit labs, most being located outside of the country. Dealers then take advantage of the profit potential on the street.

As fentanyl deaths skyrocket, more people are starting to pay attention to this scourge. However, no progress will be made without first facing the growing addiction rates in general. Read on to learn about the symptoms of addiction and the signs of fentanyl poisoning.

Learn About Fentanyl

Fentanyl was developed decades ago to treat severe pain, such as in a terminal cancer patient. The opioid binds to the receptors in the brain that control the pain messaging from the central nervous system.

Fentanyl is tightly controlled, as it is much more potent than morphine or heroin. Just a tiny amount of the drug, as little as 2 milligrams, can cause an overdose.

Fentanyl comes in different forms. These include lozenge, nasal spray, film strips, dermal patches, tablets, or liquid forms.

The effects of fentanyl are swift and include:

  • Pain relief.
  • Sedation
  • Relaxation
  • Euphoria
  • Slowed breathing rate.
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion

The drug is easily copied, which means cheap analogs of fentanyl can be manufactured in clandestine labs in foreign countries. The influx of fentanyl in the U.S. comes mostly from China or Mexico through the southern border.

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous?

Many of the overdose deaths have occurred in people who had no idea that they were taking fentanyl. People seeking street drugs are often unaware that the substance they purchased had been mixed with the deadly fentanyl. This mostly occurs when buying heroin, although fentanyl has also been detected in cocaine and black market pills.

By far, it is from the heroin market that most of the fentanyl deaths occur. Heroin addiction has surged for the last decade due to the opioid epidemic. People became hooked on pills and then had to seek out a cheaper replacement—heroin. In the past few years, the heroin supply has been mixed with fentanyl. This is what has greatly increased the rate of fatal overdose in the U.S.

There are some people who ingest fentanyl solely to achieve a high. Fentanyl patch abuse is one example of using the drug in this way. There are many ways that the patch is abused:

  • Using multiple patches at once.
  • Chewing the patch.
  • Scraping the gel contents and inject a liquefied form.
  • Steeping the patch like tea and drinking the fentanyl.

As with all opioids, a person dealing with fentanyl addiction will build up a tolerance to it, leading to increased dosing and the risk of overdose.

signs of fentanyl overdose


What Are the Signs of Fentanyl Poisoning?

It doesn’t matter whether someone uses fentanyl with the intent to get high, or takes it unawares. Either way, the use of fentanyl increases the risk of addiction, overdose, and death.

When a fentanyl overdose occurs, it is a serious medical emergency. There is very little time for successful intervention. This is due to the potency of the drug and its swift effects on the central nervous system. It is able to pass through the fat that is inside the brain. Within just seconds, someone can lose consciousness.

Signs of fentanyl overdose include:

  • Low blood pressure.
  • Limp body.
  • Feeling extremely groggy or sleepy.
  • Difficulty breathing; slowed breathing.
  • Making gurgling sounds.
  • Pinpoint pupils.
  • Loss of physical coordination, being unable to walk.
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Cold, clammy skin.
  • Bluish lips.
  • Cognitive impairment.
  • Slowed heart rate.
  • Coma

Fentanyl poisoning requires immediate attention and may require calling 911. Death can occur rapidly. Most first responders are trained now trained to administer naloxone to help reverse the effects of opioid overdoses.

What is Naloxone?

Naloxone, sold under the brand name Narcan, is a drug that has helped reverse the effects of countless opioid overdoses. Naloxone can restore breathing, which saves hundreds of lives each day.

Once the drug is dispensed, though, immediate follow-up medical treatment is needed. This is because the effects of naloxone wear off. Without follow up care, the outcome could end up being fatal.

After the person has recovered from the overdose event, they should enroll in a treatment program right away. A formal treatment program uses proven evidence-based methods to help people overcome addiction.

Treatment for Addiction Recovery

Treatment for opioid addiction can take about a year in all. The rehab program may last 3-6 months, but treatment will continue for months after that. It takes this long for the brain to repair itself and stabilize, often with the help of medication for months.

Treatment will include these elements:

  1. Detox. Detox and withdrawal launches recovery. This step allows the body to cleanse itself of the opioid. The detox process should not be attempted without medical support. The team will provide measures to help ease the withdrawal symptoms as well as to support the client emotionally.
  2. Treatment. Active treatment begins right after detox. It involves a variety of behavioral treatment methods. These include talk therapy, group therapy, family therapy, 12-step meetings, addiction classes, relapse prevention planning, and medication.
  3. Aftercare. After the treatment program is done, early recovery requires continued support. Weekly or twice weekly therapy sessions can be very helpful. Sober living is another good aftercare option, where the client can live in a substance free home. Joining a recovery group like N.A. or A.A. is also recommended.

If you recognize the signs of fentanyl poisoning, time is of the essence. Get immediate medical help if a fentanyl overdose is suspected.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Provides Treatment for Opioid Addiction

Bodhi Addiction Treatment is a treatment program that uses a blend of evidence-based therapies and holistic methods. By taking into account all aspects of a person, mind, body, and spirit, we are able to provide effective treatment results. If you or a loved one struggle with opioid use disorder, please call us today at (877) 328-1968.

how long does methadone withdrawal last

Maybe you’ve been on MAT with methadone after treatment for heroin addiction, or maybe methadone was your drug of choice. Either way, you want off this drug and may wonder, “how long does methadone withdrawal last?”

Methadone is an opioid that is mostly used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs. These are drugs that replace heroin or other opioids. Methadone is prescribed for a minimum of one year, although some people may remain on the drug for years.

Even though you have replaced heroin with methadone, the problem is that you become dependent on this drug as well. At some point, you may decide to attempt total sobriety or to replace methadone with another drug.

When the time comes that you wish to stop the MAT program and quit methadone you will need expert support. How long methadone withdrawal lasts, and how severe the symptoms will be, is unique to each person. Keep reading to learn more about methadone and going through methadone withdrawal.

What is Methadone?

Methadone is a synthetic opioid that is prescribed for people in recovery from a heroin or opioid use disorder. Methadone is a Schedule II controlled substance, requiring that maintenance therapy be tightly regulated. Methadone is dispensed from clinics using strict controls in order to reduce the risk of misuse.

As a drug that will replace heroin, methadone satisfies the brain’s reliance on an opioid. It, therefore, thwarts withdrawal symptoms as the body adjusts to it. Unlike other opioids, methadone does not produce a euphoric effect. The treatment goal is that, over time, the person no longer exhibits drug-seeking behavior. This allows them to be more stable in recovery.

What is MAT?

Heroin addiction treatment now involves MAT. The treatment provides opioid antagonists and agonists to help control cravings and slowly reduce the desire for the drug. These drugs are prescribed for the purpose of helping someone in recovery have a better shot at a successful recovery. In most cases, the drugs are prescribed for a limited time, such as 3-12 months, before starting a taper. However, in some cases, long-term use of these drugs is warranted.

MAT is always closely monitored, as these drugs themselves are prone to abuse. Some people may begin to use them illicitly. They may crush the drug and snort it or liquefy the drug and inject it. These drugs are always prescribed as one part of an aftercare program. It should include outpatient therapy and support groups.

Methadone is the most strictly controlled drug of all the MAT options. By replacing heroin, it tricks the brain into thinking it is getting the heroin. Methadone is only to be obtained through a special clinic.

Long-Term Effects of Methadone

While methadone is used for at least a one-year period, there are risks involved with the long-term use of methadone. Some of the adverse events that can occur when this drug is used for a protracted time period may include:

  • Becoming dependent or addicted to methadone.
  • Damage to sexual function.
  • Lasting changes in menstrual cycles of women.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Cognitive changes.
  • Lung damage.
  • Problems related to neglect of personal hygiene, such as tooth decay.

What to Expect in Methadone Detox and Withdrawal?

When you decide to stop taking daily methadone and wish to achieve total sobriety it is important to have medical support. Withdrawal symptoms may be anywhere from mild to severe.

There are some factors that will influence how severe the methadone withdrawal symptoms will be. These include:

  • How long you have been on methadone.
  • Your age.
  • The dose of methadone you were on.
  • BMI
  • Genetics

Before stopping this drug you will need a tapering plan in place. This allows you to slowly adjust to lower and lower doses of methadone. By doing a taper you greatly reduce cravings, the pain of the symptoms, as well as the risk of relapse.

The onset of withdrawal symptoms is slower than with other drugs. This is due to the long half-life of this drug. It means that the symptoms emerge later and last longer. During detox, a doctor provides meds for the symptoms, such as diarrhea, nausea, high blood pressure, pain, and anxiety.

The detox process will progress in three stages:

Stage 1. The withdrawal symptoms start off mild. Expect to feel light flu-like symptoms, such as chills, fever, or muscle aches. It is common to feel a little fuzzy-headed on the first day, as well as have excess yawning. Anxiety is also present in many people.

Stage 2. During this stage, days 2-3 of detox, the symptoms become more intense. The flu-like symptoms will become more pronounced, along with irritability and insomnia. There are strong drug cravings present during this phase of withdrawal. Many have psychological symptoms like hallucinations and paranoia.

Stage 3. The final stage, days 4-10 of detox, sees the symptoms starting to subside. When wondering how long methadone withdrawal last, most symptoms will resolve by day 7, but those with a longer history of methadone use or higher doses take longer. During this stage, depression is quite common, as are cravings.

During stages 2 and 3 of detox, there is a high risk of relapse. Without expert support, the symptoms and cravings can overpower your desire for sobriety and you just give up. This is why it is so important to have detox support throughout the process.

For some people, methadone addiction is due to misuse and not the effects of a MAT program. If so, you will follow up the detox phase with a treatment program. Treatment will involve a multi-pronged approach of many types of therapy, classes, and 12-step programming.

How long methadone withdrawal lasts depends on several factors. Knowing what to expect during detox can help you get in the right frame of mind before starting the withdrawal process.

Bodhi Addiction Provides Safe Methadone Detox Services

Bodhi Addiction Treatment offers on-site medical detox support for those wishing to stop the methadone MAT program. At Bodhi we strive to provide the utmost in comfort as you progress through the detox process. If you have questions about methadone detox, please give our team a call today at (877) 328-1968.

Delirium tremens hallucinations

What Are Alcohol Hallucinations Like?

If you are seeking help for an alcohol use disorder, you may wonder, “What are delirium tremens hallucinations?” Read on to learn about alcohol detox symptoms and risks.

Taking that first brave step toward breaking free from an alcohol use disorder can be life-changing. Alcohol detox will be the first phase of recovery. During detox, the body purges the remaining alcohol toxins and adjusts over a period of days to its absence. Detox and withdrawal prepare the person for treatment, which is a must to achieve long-term sobriety.

During withdrawal, the person will have symptoms that range from mild to severe, based on the severity of the alcohol problem. Trained detox experts will closely observe the withdrawal symptoms. This includes being on the alert for any adverse health event that might arise, such as delirium tremens (DTs) hallucinations. The DTs are a medical emergency.

How Does Alcohol Dependency Develop?

Alcohol dependence is what happens over time as brain chemistry and pathways become altered by heavy drinking. As tolerance grows, the person will consume even more alcohol, leading to dependency.

Once someone is dependent on alcohol they become sick with withdrawal symptoms when the effects of alcohol wear off. This traps the person into a constant cycle driven by cravings, alcohol-seeking behaviors, and then withdrawals. To avoid feeling sick, the person will seek more alcohol, and the cycle repeats.

Alcohol addiction is the state at which a person has a compulsive need to drink. This is the result of the brain’s reward system tricking someone into believing they must continue the disordered drinking. This happens, even despite the many problems, the drinking problem is causing in one’s life.

11 Signs of Alcoholism

Even a high functioning alcoholic will someday begin to reveal the signs and symptoms of their drinking problem. These are some common warning signs of an alcohol use disorder:

  1. Avoids friends and family while drinking; wants to drink alone.
  2. Consumes more alcohol as time goes on.
  3. Drinks in response to stress, sadness, anger, or disappointment.
  4. Hand tremors in the morning.
  5. Cannot remember things they said or did the night before.
  6. Experiences financial, legal, career, or family problems due to drinking.
  7. Their doctor advised them to cut down on drinking.
  8. They lie about how much alcohol they drink.
  9. They are preoccupied during the day with drinking or craving alcohol.
  10. They get drunk several days in a row.
  11. They have withdrawal symptoms when the effects of alcohol wear off.

What Happens During Alcohol Withdrawal?

When someone attempts to stop drinking it can result in physical discomfort and pain, as the body tries to adjust. This is caused by the impact drinking has had on the central nervous system over time, and on brain pathways. When the alcohol intake stops, the decreased response of GABA receptors in the brain incites withdrawal symptoms.

Excess alcohol intake causes increasing levels of toxins to be stored in the brain. This can result in the brain trying to suppress certain neurotransmitters. That is why, when someone stops drinking, these brain chemicals become hyperexcited, and withdrawals commence.

Alcohol detox withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Hand tremors.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Shaking
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Disorientation
  • Elevated heart rate.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Delirium tremens.

What Are the Delirium Tremens Hallucinations?

The DTs are the most severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The DTs usually appear about 3 days after the last drink is consumed, but are difficult to predict. Tremors that may have begun in the hands now progress to the head and the body.

With the onset of DTs, the person will become highly uncoordinated and may experience extreme mental confusion and hallucinations. Delirium tremens hallucinations can be very frightening. The person may see images of spiders, rats, reptiles, or other things that would cause fear.

There are also auditory hallucinations, where the sounds of the creatures can be heard in the mind. Along with these, night terrors and delusions are also possible with the DTs. Sweating becomes profuse, blood pressure spikes, and the heart rate increases sharply.

The DTs occur in about 5% of those going through alcohol detox and can prove fatal to 15% of those people.

Some risk factors for DTs include:

  • Age (middle age or older).
  • History of seizures during alcohol withdrawal in the past.
  • Abnormal liver function
  • Having a co-existing mental health disorder
  • Extreme alcohol cravings.

Next Steps After Alcohol Detox

After detox has finished, a structured treatment program provides the blueprint and coping skills for navigating recovery. Treatment for alcohol use disorder involves the following items:

  • Therapy. During treatment, you will engage in many forms of therapy. Therapy helps you tackle thought patterns that keep you stuck in unhealthy behavior responses, then guides you toward making changes. Therapy is offered in both one-on-one and group formats.
  • Education. Treatment programs include classes that teach how alcoholism develops, and also how to prevent a relapse. Psycho-social education focuses on essential coping skills for recovery.
  • Holistic. Coming from a holistic approach means that each person is composed of body, mind, and spirit. With this guiding principle, treatment will include holistic treatment elements. These might include mindfulness, art therapy, yoga, massage, and acupuncture.

Detox puts you on the path to a new life, but treatment and continuing care help you remain on the recovery path. Now that you know “What are delirium tremens hallucinations?” you can move forward toward safely starting your recovery. Know that the DTs are very rare, and the detox staff is ready to provide treatment if these symptoms arise.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Offers Expert Detox and Treatment Services for Alcoholism

Bodhi Addiction Treatment provides the most up-to-date evidence-based treatment for alcohol use disorder. Our program includes alcohol detox, through which our trained detox team will guide you safely. For any questions about alcohol detox or the DTs, please call us today at (877) 328-1968.

can you force someone into rehab

If you are concerned about a loved one’s addiction, learn if you can force someone into rehab.

It is truly heartbreaking to stand by and witness a loved one destroy their life with drugs or alcohol. It seems that no matter which tactic you use to try and convince them to get help, nothing resonates.

While it is always best for someone to enter rehab of their own volition, sometimes the decision must be made for them. This not only applies to underage minors, but to people of any age who are trapped in addiction. Thankfully, the majority of states do allow for involuntary commitment to a treatment program.

About Involuntary Commitment to Rehab

As drug overdose deaths keep ramping up, there is a growing sense of urgency to get people to help. In the U.S. there are 37 states with laws that permit involuntary commitment to addiction treatment. The laws are very strictly written, though, and each state has its own rules about forcing someone into rehab.

When you want to commit a loved one to rehab you must first make your case in court. There are certain things you must show proof of, as the process helps protect people’s rights. If the person doesn’t agree they need rehab, they have the right to an attorney.

To commit a person to rehab you must provide proof of these:

  • That the person has a diagnosed substance use disorder.
  • That they have attempted, threatened, or inflicted harm on themselves or others.
  • That the addiction is so severe that the person is not able to provide for their basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing.

Another route to take is through the drug courts. In many cases, especially in young adults, substance abuse leads to crime. The person may be arrested due to crimes related to their drug or alcohol abuse. These might include DUIs, petty theft, and violent crime. Court-ordered treatment will force the person into rehab.

Keep in mind that the courts do not pay for the person to go to rehab. They can approve the involuntary commitment but will expect whoever petitioned for it to pay the costs of treatment.

6 Signs it’s Time to Force Someone into Rehab

No one wants to take away a loved one’s personal liberties. However, when addiction is causing great harm to their health and wellbeing, getting them help should be a top priority. Here are some signs that it is time to force a loved one or family member into treatment:

  1. They have had multiple arrests related to the addiction.
  2. They have attempted suicide due to the addiction.
  3. They have failing health due to the addiction.
  4. Their mental health is affected by the addiction.
  5. They cannot keep a job due to the addiction.
  6. They cannot control or stop substance use.

What About an Intervention?

Before forcing someone to enter rehab through the courts, why not first try an intervention? This can be a very effective strategy for helping to nudge the loved one into treatment.

An intervention is an encounter between the loved one and close family members and/or friends. The purpose of an intervention is to tell to the loved one how their substance use disorder is adversely affecting them. The goal is to share these feelings in a constructive way that motivates them to get help.

How Can You Support the Loved One in Recovery?

If your loved one does go into rehab, either by his or her own will or involuntarily, do plan to be a support for them. They have a long, difficult journey ahead and will need your love and support. Here are some ways you can be of help in their recovery:

  • While they are in treatment, do participate in any family days or family therapy sessions.
  • Remove substances from the home.
  • Don’t judge them. They are a person in recovery from a disease, so avoid hurling any judgmental words.
  • Encourage open conversation. Let them know you are there for them when they want to chat openly about their recovery process.
  • Set healthy boundaries and avoid codependent or enabling behaviors.
  • Offer emotional support and love, but don’t supply them with money.

What Can Someone be Forced into Rehab Expect While in Treatment?

Even though the loved one was forced to go into treatment, they will still gain a lot from the program. After detox and as they begin to feel better, they will become more engaged in their treatment process.

Addiction treatment entails a multi-modal system of therapies and techniques that can prompt positive life changes. Most of these are behavior-related therapies that guide the person toward changing their dysfunctional thought patterns.

In rehab, your loved one can expect to engage in these treatment elements:

  • Psychotherapy. CBT and DBT can assist your loved ones in changing how they respond to stressors or triggers. Also, therapy sessions help the person process any underlying issues that may be factored in the substance use disorder. Getting to the bottom of the underlying pain or struggle is key to making lasting changes.
  • Group sessions. Small peer group sessions are very helpful in treatment. These sessions boost a sense of belonging and social support.
  • Holistic actions. Because stress is a leading trigger for relapse, learning how to relax can be a great coping tool. These might include yoga, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness training, or massage.
  • Recovery meetings. Taking part in local recovery meetings such as A.A. is often included in the rehab programming. Alternatives like SMART Recovery are also provided as an option at many rehabs.

So, can you force someone into rehab? In the majority of states, with variations in the rules, yes you can. For many people, this might just save their life.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Center Provides Comprehensive Rehab Services

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Center can offer your loved one safe and supportive space for conquering a substance use disorder. Our rehab program is created to help people overcome alcoholism and drug addiction. Bodhi’s holistic program helps clients achieve both sobriety and mental wellness. For more details about the evidence-based program, please reach out today at (877) 328-1968.

the combination of other depressants and alcohol

What Happens When Alcohol is Mixed With a Depressant?

The combination of other depressants and alcohol is a recipe for overdose. Learn about the dangers of mixing depressants and alcohol.

It may seem harmless at first. You struggle with sleep issues, so you take an Ambien or Ativan and chase it with a drink—or two. But because these drugs are depressants like alcohol, you run the risk of slowing the central nervous system too much.

For this reason, most sedatives carry a clear warning not to mix them with alcohol. Accidental overdoses often occur when someone loses track of how much they have imbibed while on benzo. The heart rate and breathing rate can drop so low that coma or death can occur.

What Are Depressants?

Depressants are among the most widely used drugs in the world. Depressants, such as tranquilizers, sedatives, and hypnotics, slow brain activity by attaching to the neurotransmitters and increasing GABA levels. This action causes you to feel deeply relaxed and drowsy. This class of drugs also helps reduce muscle tension, and induces sleep.

Examples of depressants include:

  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Hypnotics
  • Alcohol

Examples of substances with sedative effects include:

  • Opioids
  • Over the counter sleep aids.
  • Allergy pills.

Effects of depressants include:

  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Fatigue
  • Large pupils.
  • Loss of balance or coordination.
  • Memory problems.
  • Slowed pulse rate.
  • Reduced inhibitions.
  • Slowed breathing.
  • Impaired judgment.
  • Impulsive actions.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Trouble focusing.
  • Slowed reaction time.
  • Confusion

Most depressant medications are controlled by the DEA and are classified in a range from Schedule I to Schedule IV based on their potential for misuse or addictive properties.

What Are the Most Common Sedatives?

There is a reason why depressants are so popular. The drugs provide swift effects, quickly causing a calming, relaxing effect. These are the most prescribed depressants, and which are often paired with alcohol:

Xanax. Xanax is the most commonly prescribed benzo for panic attacks.

Valium. Valium is also a benzo used for anxiety.

Ativan. Ativan is a benzo used to treat anxiety and insomnia.

Ambien. Ambien is a fast-acting hypnotic sedative used to induce sleep.

Vicodin. Vicodin is a pain reliever that has the effect of causing deep relaxation.

Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Pills

Alcohol on its own can present enough dangers to health and wellbeing. When the combination of other depressants and alcohol occur, the effects that result can be quite harmful. Alcohol and pills both work on slowing the body’s systems, and:

  • Can slow the breathing rate too much.
  • Can slow the heartbeat too much.
  • Can impede brain functions.
  • Can cause brain damage.
  • Can lead to coma.
  • Can cause death if the person stops breathing or the heart stops beating.

But there are even more adverse effects that can result from mixing alcohol and pills. These can include:

  • Accidental injuries.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Poly-drug addiction.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

Signs of Overdose

Because of the potent effects of mixing depressants and alcohol, the central nervous system can become overwhelmed. When too much of these substances are in the body, it can cause a slowing in functions. This means the breathing rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate will drop.

When the combination of other depressants and alcohol happens, certain factors can affect the outcome. These include the age of the person, their hydration level, what they ate that day, their BMI, and their gender. When the levels of the depressants become toxic, an overdose occurs.

Symptoms of overdose include:

  • Shallow, slowed, or stopped breathing.
  • Gurgling sounds, or snoring.
  • Blue-tinged lips or fingertips.
  • Having hallucinations.
  • Floppy limbs or muscle weakness.
  • Loss of balance.
  • Falling unconscious; not responsive.
  • Mental confusion.
  • Fainting
  • Coma

Signs of a Poly-Drug Addiction

Whether you are addicted to one drug or multiple substances, there are red flags that can alert loved ones. As the substance abuse worsens, the symptoms will begin to impact all aspects of daily life. Warning signs include:

  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits.
  • Neglecting your obligations.
  • Hanging out with a different crowd.
  • Excessive absences at work or school.
  • Stealing money or property.
  • Physical signs of addiction.
  • Memory problems.
  • Can’t focus.
  • Mood swings.
  • Angry outbursts.
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Lying about substance use.
  • Withdraw from friends and family
  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor performance at work.
  • Legal problems.
  • Loss of job; money problems.
  • Withdrawal symptoms.

Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

Gaining control over a substance use disorder that involves depressants is crucial for avoiding overdose and death. Expert treatment can help you overcome a poly-drug addiction. Addiction treatment includes:

  • Detox. A medical detox will be carefully planned, as both alcohol and benzo detox can be risky. A doctor will prescribe a taper program for the benzo or opioid. Meanwhile, the detox team watches out for adverse effects of the alcohol detox.
  • Psychotherapy. Individual talk therapy sessions allow the individual to delve into past emotional pain, traumas, mental health conditions, or current stressors, and help to process and heal these using evidence-based therapies. Clients will learn how to reshape dysfunctional thought patterns so that new productive behavior patterns replace drug-seeking behaviors.
  • Group therapy. Group counseling sessions are excellent opportunities to share your experiences with others who have similar challenges. This helps to foment peer support and camaraderie, which is helpful while going through addiction treatment as it makes participants feel they are not alone.
  • Family group. Many rehabs include family therapy, understanding how central the family unit is to everyday functioning. These sessions help family members begin to understand each other better, to begin to heal from the pain caused by the addiction, and to learn more productive ways of relating going forward.
  • Coping techniques. Rehab prepares you for recovery through classes that teach you how to avoid a relapse. Gaining new coping skills combined with relapse prevention planning is a key focal point in rehab.
  • 12-step programs. Recovery meetings provide social support and the chance to make some new sober friendships.

The combination of other depressants and alcohol can lead to a fatal outcome. If you suffer from an AUD, reach out for help today.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Center Provides Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder

Bodhi Addiction Treatment is a rehab program that helps people overcome alcoholism and poly-drug use disorder. Our holistic program helps clients achieve both sobriety and mental wellness. For more details about the evidence-based program, please reach out today at (877) 328-1968.

alcoholic eyes

Does Alcohol Affect Your Eyes?

“Alcoholic eyes” is a catchall term that refers to the adverse effects of alcoholism on eyesight and eye health.

Most people have heard about the negative health effects of heavy drinking. We know that alcoholism can cause liver disease, cancer, heart disease, and brain damage. What we may not be aware of is that excessive drinking can also damage the eyes.

Alcoholic eyes refer to a whole host of eye health problems that can be caused by alcoholism. It is just one more reason to get into treatment for an alcohol use disorder. To learn more about alcoholic eyes, read on!

How Do I Know I Have an Alcohol Problem?

About 15 million Americans struggle with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) each year.

An AUD can develop when someone acquires the habit of daily drinking. This happens as tolerance increases, leading the person to consume ever-higher amounts of alcohol.

The brain adapts to the dopamine response triggered by alcohol consumption, which causes neural pathways to become altered. Over time, the habit becomes a compulsive need to drink because the person has become chemically dependent on alcohol.

There are some classic warning signs and symptoms that can alert you to a drinking problem. These include:

  • Trying to stop or limit drinking, but not able to.
  • Drinking alone.
  • Having blackouts.
  • Lying about how much you drink; hiding alcohol.
  • Drinking causes problems in relationships.
  • Neglecting responsibilities.
  • Isolating; avoiding social events.
  • Getting into trouble with the law.
  • Increased tolerance.
  • Keep drinking even as problems caused by alcohol continue to mount.
  • Increased cravings.
  • Bloating
  • Red, glassy, puffy eyes.
  • Having withdrawal symptoms; frequent hangovers.

How Does Alcohol Use Disorder Harm Our Eyes?

Alcohol is toxic to the body, including the eyes. Drinking can cause harm to the eyes, starting with dehydration and swollen blood vessels. Excessive alcohol use for a prolonged period can result in various eye-related conditions.

Chronic heavy drinking can do more than just cause visible signs of eye irritation. The vision itself can also be affected by an alcohol problem, as well as eye health. These effects can lead to serious eye problems if the AUD is not curtailed and treated.

What Are the Short-Term Effects of Alcohol On Eyes?

The short-term effects of AUD on the eyes of an alcoholic are many. These include:

  • Eye irritation.
  • Bloodshot eyes.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Double vision.
  • Eye pain.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Eye twitching.
  • Migraines
  • Rapid eye movement.
  • Slow pupil reaction.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Alcoholic Eyes?

For those with a more severe AUD, the long-term damage to the eyes caused by heavy drinking may include:

  • Age-related macular degeneration.
  • Cataracts.
  • Weakened ocular muscles.
  • Optic neuropathy.
  • Distorted vision.
  • Eye paralysis.
  • Glaucoma
  • Eye perforation.

How To Prevent Getting Alcoholic Eyes

You may have an AUD and want to avoid experiencing these short and long-term eye problems. If so, you will need to seek expert help. The support and guidance you receive at a quality treatment program can help you overcome the AUD.

The program will include these components:


Prior to starting the rehab program, you will meet with the clinical team. During this meeting, the clinician will ask a series of questions. These will relate to your drinking history, such as how long you have been drinking and how much you consume. They will review your health and mental health history as well. From the answers you give them, they can assess whether you have a mild, moderate, or severe AUD. This can guide the detox protocols and help them predict your detox timeline.

Medical Detox

There are some risks involved with alcohol detox if you have a moderate or severe AUD. This explains why people are never advised to attempt detox on their own without medical support. During detox the body will expel the alcohol from the system over a period of about 5-7 days. Symptoms peak on day 3-4 before they begin to subside. The detox team will offer drugs as needed to help reduce the discomforts of the withdrawal symptoms.


When you finish detox you will be stable enough to engage in treatment. Treatment will focus on different types of therapy that help you make needed changes in your behavior patterns. This is done through the use of evidence-based therapies that have been studied and shown to work. They include CBT, DBT, CM, and MET. Therapy is offered in both one-on-one sessions and group sessions.

Family Work

The role of the family as a source of support cannot be overstated. During family-focused therapy sessions members are guided to avoid enabling and codependency. They are also able to work through any major family issues that might have factored into the AUD.

Dual Diagnosis

A large number of people with AUD also have a co-occurring mental health challenge. When this is the case, it is critical that the person receives treatment for the mental health disorder along with the AUD. This is called a dual diagnosis and requires psychiatric expertise.


There is a tight link between our mental state and our health. During rehab, you will learn ways to relax, which help you manage stress better. These are methods you can, and should, practice throughout recovery, as stress can cause a relapse. Holistic treatment methods might include yoga, mindfulness training, art therapy, keeping a journal, massage, and breathwork.

If you or a loved one has acquired alcoholic eyes, that is a sign that treatment for the AUD is needed. The sooner help is sought for alcoholism, the sooner the damage to the eyes will stop.

Bodhi Addiction Treatment Center Treats Alcohol Use Disorder

Bodhi Addiction Treatment centers its program on caring for the whole person. It is through this mind-body-spirit pathway that wellness can be restored. Avoid the danger of acquiring alcoholic eyes and get help now. For any questions about the program, please contact the team today at (877) 328-1968.